International School of Béarn

More than simply a school, a real human adventure


We are the only school in the Béarn that offers an international Anglophone education.


School of Béarn

Our children benefit from an enriching and challenging experience as they follow a broad and balanced programme, based upon the English National Curriculum, tailored to an international perspective. Within our welcoming and caring atmosphere each person is respected as an individual. In keeping with this, every effort is made to respect the educational background and culture of each student.


years of experience






Develop confidence and make the most of yourself.

For those wishing to enrol, a great variety of enriching extra-curricular clubs is offered which provide an opportunity for developing new skills and extending talents : Judo, Computers, Cricket, Chess, Musical Dance, Football, Rugby, Netball, Basket, Circus school, Creative arts, Guitar, etc.

We are proud of the positive ethos of our school and encourage you to come and experience it for yourself.

Just wanted to let you know how much Mairead appears to be thriving this year. She seems to come home each day with new learnings and enthusiasms. Her art in particular has really become a love for her and she is obviously so happy in her learning environment as she is learning to read, count, write. We are quite amazed at how she is doing this year.

Mairead’s mummy

Grade 1

Lucia has only been able to go one year, but even in such a short period of time, she is so happy, she loves her teachers…I feel so so lucky to have had the opportunity to bring my children to ISB, hopefully we’ll return someday to Pau and they can go back to this happy place that is ISB.

Lucia’s mummy

Early Years

I really want to thank you for making possible such an amazing school, where Douglas, after 5 years, has grown and gained in confidence so much. He has learned and worked hard, and the most important for me, he’s been happy to go to school every single day.

Douglas’ mummy

Grade 3

We can hardly put into words how grateful we are for everything that the school and his teachers have done for Sam. He arrived to France like a little guy who was barely beyond his toddler years, who was just about familiar with the alphabet and barely able to write his name. He will leave a confidant little boy, who can read and write, is full of information and is clearly capable of so much more than we had ever given him credit for! Most importantly, he has adored his first year of formal school, seemingly enjoying every single aspect, from outings, (WOW Socoa!) to art to music (WOW the Christmas Show) to sports (WOW the ISB Olympics!!!). His values have been so well guided by the school, and we see that he has learned how to behave so nicely and knows how to show adults and children respect and kindness. In summary, ISB is a wonderful school and we are so very glad we chose to send him there. Thank you !!!

Sam’s mummy

Grade 1
