

Science programmes of study : Key stage 3, 4 and 5.

KS3 Science

Learning science helps students to use the scientific method to understand the world around them. It allows them to start to see the amazing possibilities that science offers and teaches them how to ask questions and starts to give them the skills to find out the answers for themselves. 

Their science education will provide them with the foundations of science introducing key concepts such as particles, forces, energy and the interdependence of living things. It shows them how to design investigations that give valid results.  

In KS3, students in Grades 7 and 8 study a general science syllabus, and in Grade 9, the students study separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses delivered by subject specialists. 

KS4 iGCSE Biology

Biology is a fascinating and ever-changing field of study. It encapsulates the human body, evolution, the natural world, genetic modification and more. 

For all we understand there is still so much to discover and it’s not uncommon for long held theories about evolution, genetics or even human migration to be challenged and disproved. 

This makes it one of the most exciting industries to work in. 

If biology has always been a subject that has interested you but you’ve never been sure where to start, a GCSE biology is ideal. 

By studying a GCSE, you will gain a foundation of knowledge in some of the core principles. It will also give you a recognised qualification so if you want to learn more you have that option. 

A GCSE biology will give you the option of studying at A Level and – potentially – at degree level beyond that. Moreover, because it’s a nationally recognised qualification it can help improve your job prospects too. 

Studying biology offers you a diverse learning experience that will help you to develop keen analytical skills in addition to self-motivation and independent learning. 

KS4 iGCSE Chemistry

Chemical scientists concern themselves with the substances of which all matter is composed, how it interacts and how it can form new substances. 

It is a diverse and interesting field in which you delve down to look at the very atoms, molecules and ions of all life. 

Without chemistry we wouldn’t have the vaccine, insulin, plastic or – perhaps most importantly – caffeine. Chemistry has the potential to not only change the world but change our understanding of it too. 

By studying GCSE chemistry, you will gain a foundational knowledge of the key principles of chemistry. Should you wish to further your studies with an A-level, the GCSEwill give you basis upon which to build your knowledge and prepare you for higher education. 

Studying GCSE chemistry will not only give you a nationally recognised qualification but it will also give you the opportunity to delve into a diverse area of study. 

The course will help you develop sharp analytical skills that you can use both professionally and with any further studies. 

KS4 iGCSE Physics

Physics is an exciting field to work in as the constant discoveries mean the landscape is ever-changing. Through the fascinating work physicists do we are able to understand more than ever about the world we live in and the stars and galaxies that surround us.

Studying GCSE Physics will give you a comprehensive understanding of the main components of physics, as well as giving you an internationally recognised qualification in a science subject. 

With further studies you could find yourself working alongside some of the most promising intellectuals of our time. 

As STEM subjects are valued by employers and higher education institutes alike, your studies could lead to some exciting opportunities ; whether that’s continuing to research subatomic particles or becoming an astronaut, physics will help you realise those ambitions. 

We’ve all heard of the saying “It’s not rocket science.” Well perhaps, for you, it could be. And it all starts with GCSE Physics. 

KS5 A Level Biology

Biology is a fascinating subject, the study of which will see you learn about the natural world and all the living things within it. Gaining an A-level in this subject opens up a vast range of opportunities for both university degrees and career options, many of which can take you all around the world.  

Students choose Biology for a number of reasons — perhaps they have a specific plan that requires a Biology qualification in mind, or maybe they are simply interested in the human body, or in the natural world around us. Biology covers a broad range of topics and has aspects to interest a wide range of students. Biology is a pre-requisite subject for many degrees in Biological Science and Medical related fields of study.

During A level you will find out about topics such as molecules, cells, organisms and their environment, energy transfers, genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems. 

Alongside in depth knowledge of the biological world, biologists also develop skills and understanding of scientific methods, data analysis, observation, correlations and causal relationships. 

As with the other sciences, the study of Biology also helps students to build up skills in research, problem solving, organisation and analytical skills. Given the group project work that occurs throughout the course, students also develop good teamwork and communication skills. 

KS5 A Level Chemistry

Sometimes referred to as the ‘central science’, Chemistry helps to connect physical sciences, such as Maths and Physics, with applied sciences, such as Biology, Medicine and Engineering. In fact, Chemistry is all around us and an understanding of the subject can help to answer many simple questions about everyday life! 

During the course you will study topics such as atomic structure, energetics, kinetics, oxidation, alkanes and alkenes, thermodynamics, polymers and amino acids, proteins and DNA. 

As it is a science subject, the process of learning it helps a student to learn how to be objective, analytical, methodical, process and in turn solve problems. You can apply these skills outside academia, and the study of Chemistry can help understand current events including news about petrol, environmental issues, health and product scares and more. 

KS5 A Level Physics

With an ongoing shortage of people to fill STEM roles, pursuing subjects such as Physics can lead to excellent employment prospects after university. Even if you don’t go on to become a physicist, learning to think like one will equip you with excellent problem-solving skills in particular.  

Physicists look for the hidden laws as to why all matter and energy exists, where it comes from and its behaviour. These laws can then be used to develop new materials and technologies to improve our lives and explore further into everything from the tiniest particles to stars and the universe.  

If you are interested in the limits of space, the beginning of time and everything in between this is the subject for you.  

During the course you will look at topics such as measurements and their errors, particles and radiation, waves, mechanics and materials, electricity, thermal physics, fields and their consequences, nuclear physics, astrophysics, medical physics and engineering physics. 

Physics trains your brain to think beyond boundaries. The subject combines practical skills with theoretical ideas. Analytical, mathematical and problem – solving skills become highly developed through Physics A-level.