Weekly assemblies
Assemblies also provide a platform to educate students about various festivals and significant days our school community celebrates throughout the year, such as Armistice Day. This inclusive approach ensures that our diverse student body gains a broader understanding and appreciation of different cultures and important historical events.

Each assembly begins with a moment of reflection, during which students are asked to contemplate a thought-provoking question, such as “What do we hope to achieve throughout the next half term?” or “How do we feel when we are with our friends?” This practice helps students to focus on their personal goals and emotions, promoting mindfulness and introspection.

A highlight of each assembly is the awarding of merit certificates, which recognize excellent academic work by students. Additionally, special “Head-Teacher’s Awards” are given to students who have been nominated by their teachers for exceptional achievements or contributions.

Every two weeks, the much-coveted house points trophy is awarded to the House Captain of the team that has collected the most house points over the previous fortnight. This fosters a healthy sense of competition and encourages students to continually strive for excellence. These assemblies are a cornerstone of our school community, providing a space for celebration, reflection, and the reinforcement of our shared values.
These assemblies are a cornerstone of our school community, providing a space for celebration, reflection, and the reinforcement of our shared values.

Class-Led Assemblies
Throughout the year, each class presents an assembly to their parents and the rest of the school, offering a glimpse into their classroom activities and studies. These assemblies can include a wide range of presentations, such as reenacting scenes from Ancient Rome, reading original poetry, or show-casing individual talents to reinforce the message that we are all unique. These assemblies not only highlight the students’ academic progress but also provide another valuable opportunity for them to practice public speaking, build confidence, and share their learning experiences with the wider school community.