We teach students to become thoughtful consumers of Internet services and digital media, helping them make tactical choices.
Students must be able to navigate a complex digital environment in order to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of the world around them. At ISB, we teach students to become thoughtful consumers of Internet services and digital media, helping them make informed choices. Although ISB is fostering technology, students are encoraged to keep on writing during exams.
Based on an in-depth reflection on digital practices and after a successful experience of several years, the teams of ISB have combined technology and traditional methods to optimise teaching and thus have a tool performing at the forefront of progress :
All classes are equipped with Interactive Screens controlled by computers and iPads.
All buildings have WIFI coverage allowing access to school resources and the Internet for information retrieval in the context of digital activities
ISB has a lab devoted to information technologies for learning the different tools and techniques related to the curriculum
Each student receives a personal iPad as soon as they enter Grade 3 (Pre-School, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes are also equipped with iPads but children do not take their devices home)

Knowledge at our fingertips
Technology can be used in the service of new pedagogies placing learners at the heart of active learning.
New technologies provide teachers and students with access beyond what textbooks can offer them, in multiple formats and without constraints of space or time. They provide excellent collaborative platforms for knowledge creation, through which teachers can share and enrich their learning resources.
Technology can be used in the service of new pedagogies, placing learners at the heart of active learning, by providing tools for investigative learning methods and collaborative workspaces; it can thus reinforce learning from experience.