The School Day

Morning Drop off

Children will be allowed to enter the school building/playground from 8:30am. The Primary School officially starts at 8:45am for all grades. Between 8:45am and 9:00am, the children are given revision tasks to complete; time to change their reading books; and small groups are taken by teaching assistants for extra support. Registration then takes place at 9:00am followed promptly by the first lessons of the day.

Morning break

Morning Break of 15 minutes starting at 10:30am or 10:45 am, depending on the year group.


All children have a one hour lunch break from either 11:45am or 12:00pm, depending on the year group.

Home time

The formal school day ends at either 3:15pm or 3:30pm, depending on the year group. All classes finish at 12:00pm on Wednesdays.

After school clubs

There are a range of optional after-school clubs, four days a week, from 3:30pm – 4:45pm.

Child-minding Service (“Garderie”)

There is a child-minding service, four days a week, from 4:45pm – 6:00pm.