8:30 to 8:45 am
Morning Drop off
Parents may drop off their children in the Early Years or Reception classroom from 8:30am
The EYFS children officially starts their day at 8:45am.
Welcome Time is between 8:30am and 9:00am, the children can take advantage of the continuous play provision in the classroom or participate in smaller adult-led activities. All activities are planned in order to allow children to access the different areas of learning of the EYFS.
10:30 am
Morning snack
The children may bring a piece of fruit to have for their mid-morning snack. After their snack , all children participate in an outdoor play session.
11:30 am
All children have lunch in the Reception classroom at 11:30am. They have an outdoor play session after lunch until 12:45.
12:45 pm
In the afternoon children take part in a mixture of adult and child led activities. Two afternoons a week Early Years and Reception children have a mixed session where they have the opportunity to participate in activities offered by all the member of the EYFS team.
3:15 pm
Home time
The school day finishes at 3:15pm. the class teacher will accompany the children to the gate beside the front door for pick up.
3:30 pm
After school club
There is an after-school club for Early Years and Reception consisting of outdoor and indoor play, four days a week, from 3:30pm – 4:45pm
(Not available on Wednesdays)
4:45 pm
Child-minding Service (“Garderie”)
There is a child-minding service, four days a week, from 4:45pm – 6:00pm.
(Not available on Wednesdays)