Head of School

Miss Elias
Head Teacher

Ann Byrne
Head of Secondary School
Assistant Heads

James Pearse
Assistant Head
Maths Teacher

Thomas Yeung-Pearce
Assistant head
Head of Humanities
Heads of department

Catharine Gibson
Head of English

Neil Payne
Head of Science

Daniel Vié Álvarez de Cienfuegos
Head of MFL

Sébastien Vieilhescazes
Head of Maths

Rachel McCombie
English Teacher

Alison Jackson
Mathematics Teacher
PE coordinator

Ben Biggs
Science Teacher
Learning support Coord.

Kelly Payne
Biology Teacher

Amadej Lesnik
Physics Teacher

Nathalie Lacoste
French FLM teacher

Nicolas Toussaint
French FLE and Spanish teacher

Julie Goigoux
French FLE teacher
University advisor

Jane Buckler
Art teacher

Ivan Harkins
Business Studies Teacher

Michael Macgowan
Computer Science teacher

Tom Jackson
Geography Teacher
Duke of Edimburgh coord.

Stuart Morris
Humanities Teacher
Non Teaching Staff

Jean-Christophe Laplace
IT Architect

Luis Caeiro
Security Supervisor

Marjorie Morand
School Secretary
Uniform Shop

Marine Gonçalves
Exams Officer